Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Journey

I glance around nervously, noticing how beautiful everyone looks. The music is loud, the beat shaking every tissue of my body. Voiceless chatter fills up every corner of the bar, stifling my sense of security. Everyone seems to be enrapt in serious conversation or flirtatious banter until I saunter into the room, friendless. All eyes turn my way. Through the smoke they look me up and down. The women are judgmental. Harsh. They think I look cheap and skanky. Hostile looks sear through my skin making me feel naked. The men undress me with their eyes. My knees feel shaky. I shouldn’t have come. I turn around to flee this cage….and then all of a sudden….

my left shoulder jerks up.

And then my right.

Its almost as though, OH NO!

My left knee.

How embarrassing!

My entire body is twisting into weird positions.

Suddenly, I can feel my head lean backwards in slow motion, inhaling,

And before I can stop myself, I belt out


I cant stop shaking my whole body to Chubby Checker! Im on the dance floor, all by myself, everyone watching me…but I just love this one song tooo much! One by one, people start hopping onto the wooden floor, giving me a shy nod and so I wave back as my body convulses to the beat, and then I realize, I can push all of these worrisome voices out of my head,


just BE!!!

(for 'Journeys'!!!)